Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Economic Revolution Through Bottom of Pyramid

Economic Revolution Through Demonetization

History is witness of the fact that no revolution, may it be political, social, cultural, legal or whatsoever,  in any part of the world has ever been successful without involvement of common man. History is also witness of the fact that in cases of all such revolutions the common man has suffered massive casualties in varied forms. And hence the present economic revolution through demonetization is no exception to these historical facts. It is imperative therefore that the common man shall be subjected to sufferings of all types and it is heartening to note that they are also ready for it not by imposition but by self-instinct.

Common people have to sacrifice their lives, as many of them died standing in the long queues before ATM and Banks, many in front of the hospitals because of not being admitted to or treated by the hospital in want of legal tender, many in their houses or on way to bank because of work load or depression and we don’t know how many more such cases are to be reported in times to come. The common man has to sacrifice his / her luxuries / convenience as many of them have nothing to eat in their houses as they have no cash to buy from shops, many are stranded at railway stations / bus stands because of no cash to pay fares, many are walking long roads as they have no cash to pay for rickshaw fare. They say marriages are settled in heaven and solemnized on earth which is finding rough weather due to paucity of adequate cash. Markets are observing near curfew like situation because the buyers have no cash to go there. People seem to have become activists as they stand on roads, sleep on roads, spend days and nights on roads for withdrawing cash from ATM / Bank etc. Immaterial of their ages from adult to old people have queued up to meet their cause in short run and to support this revolution for a long term aspiration.

It is rightly said that the power lies at the bottom of the pyramid. The section of society from BoP is the most victimized section as their daily wage is hampered, their life is becoming miserable in the name of those few who are the cream of the society and for whom they say is this surgical strike. Added to it are the statements by people-in-power that any surgical procedure brings some discomfort without recognizing and realizing the fact that this discomfort for whom. Is it not therefore that revolutions are driven by common man. They are the strengths behind every revolution, they are the force behind it and if leaders of such revolution don’t understand and estimate this force it may (or may be caused to) lose its direction that might take an ugly shape. This power at the bottom must be honored and each one of us must realize that it is the will power of the common man alone which can bring this economic revolution not the economists, politicians, bureaucrats, social activists, reformists and all.